Kerry Li

Property Types

  • 17% House
  • 17% Apartment
  • 14% Crown Lease
  • 52% Other

Property Status

  • 17% For Sale
  • 10% Rented
  • 10% For Rent
  • 62% Other

Property Cities

  • 17% Nadi
  • 7% Ba Province
  • 7% Coral Coast
  • 69% Other

About Kerry Li

British/Fijian citizen, born in China and travelled extensively gaining higher education qualifications (Master Degree) and international hospitality industry experience in Hong Kong, Switzerland, Britain, China and Fiji. Has an in depth understanding of both the Eastern and Western ways of thinking, which proved invaluable to both vendors and purchasers when assisting new Investors coming into the FJ marketplace. Proven ability to manage and complete projects to the highest standard, excellent negotiation and problem solving skills and swiftly identifies the root of any problem and develops an effective solution. 1st job in FJ as Real Estate agent 9 years ago, and passionate for the Property Market since then. 英国/斐济公民,出生于中国广州,曾在香港、瑞士、英国、中国和斐济学习及工作,在牛津以优异成绩获得硕士学位。对东西方思维方式都有深入了解,这在协助新投资者进入斐济市场时,对卖方和买方都非常有价值。有能力以最高标准管理和完成项目,具有出色的谈判和解决问题的能力,能迅速找出问题的根源并制定有效的解决方案。9 年前在 FJ 的第一份工作是房地产代理,从那时起就对房地产市场充满热情。

Language: English Mandarin Cantonese

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