- Size of the Land: 722 sqm (est. 16 metre width X 45 metre length)
- TLTB Vacant Land
- 99 years from 2010 means 85 years remaining
- Annum rent – F$300
- Accessible by Queens Road then to Legalega Road
- Growing area with more houses and apartments built in recent years
- Very close to Nadi International Airport
Valuation in 2024 @ FJD$240,000 Asking Price: FJD$240,000 (negotiable)
- 土地性质:酋长地租地, 从2010年起99年,意即余85年,年租300斐济币
- 土地面积:722平方米 (长约45米 X 宽 约16米)
- 近南迪国际机场
- 近年很多新建私人住宅或公寓
- 热门地区
欢迎查询。请电邮Kerry李小姐 kerryfiji@gmail.com
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